Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why This Blog?

About a year ago I ran across a simple quote by a designer and philosopher, of sorts, named Alexandra Stoddard which goes: "Live by the trinity of what is true, good, and beautiful." I liked this statement because it was crisp, clean, and to the point. All too often we are overly flowery with language when what is really needed is a sharp, simple statement. And yet, simultaneously, the world also needs imaginative language, and oftentimes beauty comes in the form of a blooming metaphor, a simile that bubbles under our skin like a bottle of freshly-popped champagne, or an image that awakens both the literal and the figurative eyes.

This series of reflections is meant to serve as a resource for those who recognize their deep aching for beautiful things and know that it is good and life-giving to rejoice in the created world but simultaneously recognize the need for balance and simplicity. And so, this little ripple in the blogosphere will attempt to carefully walk the line between asceticism and overindulgence, stumbling most certainly at points. Its story: a celebration. Put concisely, the purpose of this discourse is to rejoice in the those things that are thoughtfully crafted, be they songs, stories, or objects, and push others to think deeply about how these things ignite and enrich the human experience.

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