Not much to write for now, this summer has been busy! I have, however, been doing a lot of reading, including getting back into reading the news and political journals after a not-so-brief repose. Here's something I discovered amidst some reading today (not exactly political, but certainly deeply moving):
Wanting to know all
I overlooked each particle
Containing the whole
Intent on one great love, perfect,
Requited and for ever,
I missed love's everywhere
Small presence, thousand-guised.
-From the poem "Confessions" by Kathleen Raine
I have seen this kind of "small presence" particularly the past few weeks through the eyes of children. They have such wonderment and joy that can help us adults remember what it is to truly live with a sense of expectancy and trust. Today, these words took on flesh through a little boy sitting across the aisle from me, who couldn't take his eyes away from the window. He was filled with incredulity and excitement as the plane went through the clouds, and began its descent. As we rumbled through a bit of turbulence, he wasn't even phased, but instead watched expectantly for what would come next, fully confident that the people running the plane had things under control and content to just enjoy the small beauties in the moment at hand.
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